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Top Favourite Hollywood movies

Top Favourite Hollywood movies

Here’s the list:
I cannot shorten the list to 10… Play it a million times, I still love to watch it. Never missed it even once

Lord of the Rings Series
Lord of the Rings Series

The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

The Mummy Series
The Mummy Series

The Mummy
The Mummy Returns
Mummy: Tomb of the Dragon Emperor

The Matrix
Matrix Reloaded
Matrix Revolutions

Psychic Thrillers
Psychic Thrillers
The Matrix Series
Event Horizon
The Triangle

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5 responses to “Top Favourite Hollywood movies”

  1. […] the article here: Top 10 Favourite Hollywood movies Posted in Hollywood Movies | Tags: even-once-, list, million-times-, missed-it-even, ring–, […]

  2. Parthi Avatar

    I suggest start watching foreign language films… And have you seen The Pursuit of Happiness? And watch the recent movie Shutter Island. You will love it.

  3. lara Avatar

    I read the movie review about Shutter Island. But recently I saw a similar movie… not so similar but a some scenes do coincide. Its called Half Light.

    And I am not in a mood to get scared right now… I dont have anyone to give me company to watch horror movies.

  4. lara Avatar

    Could you suggest some foreign movies. I seriously dont have an idea. The pursuit of Happiness… you really need to have a particular mind set to watch such English movies. Oscar type movies. When time permits I will surely spend time on that.

    The movies that I have listed has my TOP 10 dont require you to think too much… You can watch it any time. Good entertainers.

  5. Parthi Avatar

    Watch Children of Heaven, Colour of Paradise, Father – all Iranian, you can see Run Lola Run – German with some amazing screenplay.

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