Crazy english
- A waiter: Why do they call those food servers as waiters when it’s the cosumers who do all the waiting.
- The movie kept me literally glued to my seat: How can a person be literally glued to his seat? should it not be – the movie kept me figuratively glued to my seat?
- A Non-stop flight: Hey! Never get on one of those you will never get down
- A Hot water heater: Who heats hot water! ?
- A hot cup of coffee: Who cares if the cup is hot? Surely we mean a cup of hot coffee.
- Its neither here nor there? Then where is it!!
- I will follow you to the ends of the earth: Let the words go to the four corners of the earth that ever since columbus, we have known that the earth doesn’t have any ends!
- skinny: If fatty means full of fat, should not skinny mean full of skin.
- Put on your shoes and socks This is realy difficult. Most of us put our socks first and then our shoes.
- Put your best foot forward: Now let’s see… We have a good foot and a better foot, but we don’t have a third and best foot. Where do we go for this!?
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