It was a lovely morning to start with a enchanted feeling. That is what you will get after watching the movie “Enchanted” by Walt Disney Pictures. Yeah its one of those Happily ever after stories.
But how many ever times you watch such stories its a fairy tale and you will love it. That what fairy tales are meant to be. She is our bound to be happily ever after ending princess.

But the usual step mother comes in to picture, who is the inventor of the poisoned apples and wants to ruin the princess life, who might lose her throne if the prince marries the princess.

And for the charming Prince to be casted we have two people. One whom she meets in the fairy tale at the beginning of the story “Edward”, who chases all the way to the real world for her rescue. and the other Price charming is a guy of this world, “Robert”

Yeah with all the main characters introduced, Narissa , the step mother of Prince Edward does not want him to meet any girl in his lifetime, for she will lose her throne if he gets married. Unfortunately Price Edward meets Giselle in the woods and they decide to get married next morning. Knowing this step mom tricks Giselle and pushes into a fountain which leads to another world – NY. There she meets Robert who is kind to her, though her innocense leads to a crack in his affair with Nancy. But she waits for Edward to come and rescue her. In the meantime Richard and Giselle unknowingly falls in love. Finally step mom jumps into the real world, when Edwards reunites with Giselle and about to marry her. She tricks Giselle again and poisons her with apples. The curse will remain if she does not receive her True love’s kiss before the clock strikes twelve. Edwards first runs to her rescue and kisses her, but nothing happens. Then everyone turns to Robert and asks him to kiss her, for he should be his true love. And right when the clock strikes twelve Robert kisses Giselle and she wakes up from the curse. Step mom getting angrier, turns herself to a huge dragon and snatches Robert and climbs on the tallest tower follwed by Giselle. Step mom falls eventually dropping Robert in to the hands of Giselle. Edward meets and Nancy and they get married after returning to Andalasia there fairy world.
Thats it!. They all lived happily ever after.
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