Team: IVth place did the Great Wall of China using loads of paper, plaster of Paris, paint and thermocol. It took 2 weeks with a effort of 4 hrs a day to complete both the wall and the electronic object. As electronic object they did a ancient seismograph. A snapshot of Great wall of China miniature as created by team IV.

One of the most beautifully built object, was Taj Mahal. Though the team could not grab a place in the TOP 4 teams, there object is still in grand display in our office premises. They had used a lot of cardboard, charts and a couple of straws and balls painted in white. Though the materials were not so rich a lot of engineering has gone into this piece. The team planned every dome and pillar in the structure. They missed out some points in the electronic object, as well as other rounds.
The object with a lot of tough work put in was Coliseum. The only word tough about the structure was the circular structure. We have used a lot of vinyl sheets, bamboo sticks and foams to build the steps. The garden in front was just a imaginary decoration. We bought 2 Rs dolls dipped them into plaster of Paris, and added each as a statue in the floors. We used a huge vinyl sheet, drew arches and windows, use red hot scissors and blades to cut out the structure. A lot of people helped us, and most prominently is our boss Vijay, Office boy, Ravi in cutting the shapes. Sharon helped in the electronic object. We created a set up for electronic object. The idea was a imaginary alert fortress near the coliseum. We imagined a border line. a metal sheet was laid below the border paper, had a doll attached with metal plate on his leg (Supposed to be our enemy). When the enemy touches the border line, we have a few soldiers carry torches. For torches we used chart cones and LED’s. The working of our electronic object was, the LED in each soldier’s hand glow in sequence as soon as the enemy steps on the border. This alert is taken in sequence to a tower nearby where a guard rings the bell which in sequence opens a Fortress door, where a huge group of soldiers are ready for the Emergency fight. We won the first place; it was our complete team effort. Our team name is “Mind Powers”. It was a complete team effort that has bought in good leading points till the finals. Starting from the first round we have at least 150 points ahead of other teams, and finally we have won a Cup, certificate and 10,000Rs cash prize with good lead points of 500+. It was great fun throughout the event.
The team that came to the 2nd place was SA-RO-SA, no one ever knows why they had that name for their team, may be they were inspired by the SAROJA Tamil movie. They were unexpectedly the 2nd team in the Quiz. But they had their own secret ingredient to have come to this position. It would seem all the time that they are the last ones to complete a task, but they had loads of luck too helping them. Just kidding one thing they were extremely good at and incompatible was the Movie rounds (In all languages). The swept every single points that could be grabbed in these rounds.

The team that won the third place in the event, was Arun’s team. They had a lot of hard work, but still some ingredient was missing which pushed them to the third place. They created the Chicken Itza and the site around it. It was very catchy. They didn’t do the electronic object, where they lost some points.

There object was very good. But some nice ingredient was missing in their team throughout the competition. If they had worked on that, they would have been unbeatable competitors. They managed to come through finals, but were a lot behind in points and it was a little difficult to cope up. But the one team of which ‘Mind Powers’ were afraid of was this team; it is because of their capabilities. They simply didn’t use their capabilities to the fullest.

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